information, creativity, transcendence, Terroir, cometitivityAbstract
The author is involved in scientific research, technological development and innovation, R+D+I, since long time. During his university studies and professional research work in other fields, he always cultivated the idea, resulting from coincidental features at his childhood environment, of introducing quality wine growing to his native region. In order to materialize the idea, the complementation of R+D+I activities with entrepreneurial skill was mandatory. The combination of innovation and entrepreneurship is considered to be an important modernization tool in the agrifood system. An auto-analytical approach of author's internal Animus and external Corpus accomplishments for projecting and developing his wine growing idea is presented. Owing to its importance in economic growth, there is increasing concern with innovation in the region for overcoming poor economic results. Taking into account that information is the raw material of innovation, the genesis of the introduction of quality wine growing may be illustrative on how information was obtained and made usefully. Compared to technological innovation, which is provided with stimulating legal protection, innovation in agriculture is quite unprotected, especially when gene-rated by farmers themselves. This fact does not encourage added value agriculture. Consequently, the necessity of research for producing innovation and the use of innovation for competing seems not so obvious. This situation delays ameliorations at the countryside and is prone to the utilization of unorthodox commercial practices.
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