Climatic differences between traditional olive regions in the world (Olea europea L.) and the High Ricaurte in Colombia.


  • José Francisco García Molano Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
  • Edwin Yamit Cheverria González
  • Luz Stella Jaramillo García


phenology, olive production, floral induction, floral differentiation, tropic Alto Andino.


Weather is an important factor in agricultural production in terms of quality and quantity, and the olive tree to the plant that provides information on their distribution on all continents where they adapted to different soil and climatic conditions, etc., and by their nature organoleptic, nutritional, and different uses: culinary, medicinal, cosmetic and symbolic reached many parts of the world and in Colombia was located in the region of Alto Ricaurte in Boyacá, in colonial times, under conditions indicated, be suited to the crop. The olive tree thrives well where there are defined seasons: Mediterranean, California and South America, because it meets their phenological stages for the weather, well, goes to sleep in winter, spring blooms and pollinates causing fruit set by appropriate conditions temperature and precipitation intervals, while development occurs in summer and fruit growth and hardening of the endocarp, at which manifest pericarp red spots on it. Finally fall maturation occurs olives, lose their green color totally becoming red or black with increase in oil content and reduced water. The tropics Alto Andino is at a lower latitude, where there are cold winters for trees stored cold, there is no high temperatures, maintaining a behavior of days with temperatures up to 26 ° C and nights of 7 ° C, probably because low production of olives in Upper Ricaurte and plant phenology different, considering that focuses not flowering or fruiting if this is erratic throughout the year, apparently is not the weather for floral induction. From elsewhere in the region shows that the trees start flowering after a period of drought, then the floral differentiation would be determined by water stress and non-thermal.


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Author Biographies

José Francisco García Molano, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Ph.D. en Biología vegetal Docente Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos Líder grupo de investigación aof

Edwin Yamit Cheverria González

Ing. Agropecuario Grupo de investigación aof

Luz Stella Jaramillo García

Ing. Agropecuaria Grupo de investigación aof


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How to Cite

García Molano, J. F., Cheverria González, E. Y., & Jaramillo García, L. S. (2013). Climatic differences between traditional olive regions in the world (Olea europea L.) and the High Ricaurte in Colombia. Cultura científica, (11), 124–132. Retrieved from



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