Cálculo de la deflexión en vigas estáticamente indeterminadas aplicando métodos numéricos


  • Jhonatan Alexander Becerra Duitama




Vigas, deflexión, Runge-Kutta, diferencias finitas, método de Euler.


In this study, three numerical methods will be implemented in order to calculate deflection in statically undetermined beams. First, the characteristic equations of the beam will be obtained by mechanical analysis. The value for the deflection will then be calculated, depending on some initial conditions. Finally, three numerical methods will be applied in order to calculate the deflection, compare the values obtained and conclude which of the three is closest to the actual value. The numerical methods that will be used will be the Euler method, the Runge-Kutta method and the finite difference method. With this work, the way to calculate deflections on the beams is expected to become more efficient.


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How to Cite

Becerra Duitama, J. A. (2024). Cálculo de la deflexión en vigas estáticamente indeterminadas aplicando métodos numéricos . Science, Innovation and Technology Journal, 4, 45–55. https://doi.org/10.38017/2390058X.790



Artículo de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica