Adoquín permeable adicionado con fragmentos de carbón


  • Elkin Alexander Caro Benítez
  • Brayan Julián Fuerte Cuervo
  • Óscar Alexander Zambrano Cita



adoquín, permeabilidad, porosidad, carbón, cemento, grava


This research project focuses on understanding the permeable material and understanding its functioning, taking into account its structure, chemical links and composition and its physical-chemical properties. For this, several samples of permeable sludge were carried out in a ratio of 1:2, to which the quantity of grava was modified by replacing it with coal in different percentage criteria. A series of tests were applied where five properties could be measured and analyzed: material density, liquid retention capacity, material permeability, reaction to a chemical attack and flexion test. Thanks to the analyses and results obtained throughout the process, we were able to show that this material has potential use in areas where evacuation of large masses of water is necessary, because it meets the established standards. Although the results obtained are limited, they are the beginning for future research on this type of material.


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How to Cite

Caro Benítez, E. A., Fuerte Cuervo, B. J., & Zambrano Cita, Óscar A. (2024). Adoquín permeable adicionado con fragmentos de carbón. Science, Innovation and Technology Journal, 4, 1–8.



Artículo de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica