friction pile groups, lacustrine soils, quakes, flexion, cutting diagram, timing diagram, curves p-y.Abstract
In the design of deep foundations and piles group is important to the analysis to side as those imposed by the seismic loads, because upon the occurrence of an earthquake large shear forces and bending moments along the piles are presented, for that reason the design of pile groups subjected to seismic loads is subject to several sources of uncertainty especially as regards the effect of group, therefore it is convenient to use methodologies that consider the interaction soilpilote. To advance this objective methodology for the analysis of seismic behavior in groups of piles to be held for a typical site lacustrine deposit of Bogota is presented in this article the importance of the issue presented by collecting previous studies regarding the analysis of pile groups subjected to lateral both internationally and regionally, general aspects of the study area of the project, load and finally describes the methodology proposed for a typical site lacustrine deposit City Bogotá.
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