
  • Diana Patricia Londoño Giraldo


Economic Social Cultural and Environmental, International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), Accessibility, Affordability, Acceptability, Cultural appropriateness


This article shows some findings of the participatory diagnostic process with DESCA (Economic Social and Cultural Rights) perspective that was conducted during 2011 in the municipality of Icononzo located in eastern Tolima. The analysis considers vulnerations of each right based on unfulfilled State obligations, taking into account the methodology of the 4-A proposal by the United Nations (UN), that is,if the vulneration is an issue of Accessibility, Affordability, Acceptability and Cultural Adaptation and it was developed in order to generate a political effect, it means that both the analysis and proposals for the compliance of rights were presented by the peasants to candidates for mayor, in the municipal forum , in order of their being included to the municipality development plan. It is evident that the peasants are committed with the development of productive processes related to fair market that along with the convenient location of the municipality are elements for economic growth and progress in the compliance of the rights of the inhabitants of municipality, however it was identified that there has been no political will in supporting rural initiatives that helps to stimulate the market, also there was found a serious problem of unfulfilled basic needs that are closely related to violation of rights produced by access problems and cultural appropriateness.


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Author Biography

Diana Patricia Londoño Giraldo

Esp. en Desarrollo Humano con énfasis en Procesos Psicoafectivos. 
Profesional psicosocial, Alta Consejería de la Presidencia de la República para la Reintegración Social
y Económica de personas y grupos Alzados en Armas.


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How to Cite

Londoño Giraldo, D. P. (2012). PEASANT PARTICIPATORY DIAGNOSTIC WITH DESCA PERSPECTIVE IN ICONONZO, TOLIMA. Development, Economy and Society, 1(1), 35–44. Retrieved from



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica