
  • Daniel Fernando González Mendoza


Sheep, Breeding, Sheep Meat, Semi-housing, Profitability


For its characteristics and zootechnique capabilities, sheep represent one of the few agropecuarian viable economic activities in smallholdings, hillside areas, and dry or low fertility areas. Any production system is capable of improvements, which help to generate new perspectives and prospectives of the species exploitation, especially sheep, as well as the marketing of food products and industrial raw materials generated such as meat, wool and milk. This document provides an overview of the economic potential of small ruminant production by addressing its importance in society and in the economy of the region. Taking into account the research needs and seeking for strategies to improve this exploitations, the Fundación Universitaria Juan De Castellanos, has been developing a project about genetic improvement in sheep for meat production, by using crosses among Romanov, Pelibuey and Creole race, with a Katadin reproductive male, searching for tri-hybrids specimens that produce good productive results in semi-housing conditions. The obtained results, until now, in relation to husbandry and management parameters have generated some important contributions to producers in towns near Tunja city, especially in Soracá town.


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Author Biography

Daniel Fernando González Mendoza

Médico Veterinario Zootecnista. Especialista en Producción Animal. 
Docente Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos. 


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How to Cite

González Mendoza, D. F. (2011). SMALL RUMINANTS: A PROJECT WITH POSSIBILITY OF PROFITABILITY. Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, 1(1), 67–74. Retrieved from



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