
  • Karen Lisseth AFRICANO PERÉZ
  • Elberth Hernando PINZÓN SANDOVAL


physiology, salinity, soil, stress, vegetable


Among root vegetables, radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is of great importance for their nutraceutical properties due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, in addition to be a productive option for the country’s farmers. A condition that limits the production of most vegetal species is soil salinization whether caused naturally due to its evolution or misuse of fertilizers causing saturation of salts in the soil this condition significantly affects the physiology of the plant, leading to the restriction of growth and development of the same, reflected in the final crop performance. Therefore the evaluation of some physiological parameters as stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content, respiration rate, chlorophyll fluorescence and growth parameters of radish plants growth stage V18, under salt stress was generated. Statistical differences (p≤ 0,05) on parameters such as stomatal conductance, leaf thickness and weight of tuberous root was found, indicating that plants generate mechanisms of morphological type to withstand the stress condition for the other outcome measures there was no difference, this may be due to the phenological stage of the plants as this specie is tolerant provided that no condition is permanent.


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Author Biographies


Ingeniera Agrónoma
Estudiante de Maestría en Fisiología Vegetal.
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Elberth Hernando PINZÓN SANDOVAL

Ingeniero Agrónomo
Grupo de Investigaciones Agrícolas
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


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How to Cite

AFRICANO PERÉZ, K. L., & PINZÓN SANDOVAL, E. H. (2014). PHYSIOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF RADISH PLANTS (Raphanus sativus L.) SUBJECTED TO SALINITY STRESS. Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, 4(2), 11–22. Retrieved from



Ciencias Agrarias