About the Journal

Focus and scope
Conexión Agropecuaria is an annual double-blind refereed interdisciplinary academic journal that publishes original research, reflection or review articles. The contents can come from the following areas: animal science and zootechnics, agronomy, environmental sciences, biological sciences applied to production, economics and agricultural business administration, veterinary medicine, agroindustrial engineering, aquaculture and fisheries, animal feeding and nutrition, forestry sciences, economics and rural development, animal and plant physiology, genetics and biodiversity, environmental management and sustainability, post-harvest management and technology, production systems management, physical resources, animal health, plant health and crop protection, information systems, zoning and georeferencing, processing and agribusiness, and climate variability and change.

The journal is aimed at teachers, students of intermediate and higher levels, researchers and other interested parties working on topics related to the areas defined above.

The purpose of Conexión Agropecuaria is to disseminate research on current issues from an interdisciplinary approach to highlight the complexity of the problems addressed in contemporary research.

The journal publishes editorials, scientific and technological research articles, reflections derived from research and reviews. Its characteristics are the following:

1. Scientific and technological research article. A document that presents in detail the original results of research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

2. Reflection article. A document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

3. Review article. A document resulting from research, in which the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to report on the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Declaration of ethics and good editorial practices

The journal Conexión Agropecuaria guarantees good editorial practices, following the Code of Conduct suggested by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), that is, the international ethical standards for scientific publications.

The journal's Ethics Committee is composed of the general coordinator, the director/editor, the director of the research center and a representative of the Scientific and Editorial Committee. It will be in charge of dealing with conflicts of interest that may arise in the journal, expressed by authors, referees or members of the committees, in order to solve the mishap.

The Committee will not initiate the evaluation process of any article that is in a conflict of interest, until the case is exposed and solved in the committee in which the conflict of interest is identified, until such situation is solved. If the conflict of interest cannot be resolved, the article will be withdrawn from the editorial process.


In the event that an error occurs once the issue of the journal is published, the editorial committee and the author will cooperate for the publication of an erratum at the end or beginning of the article, in order to correct the error.

Editor/Publisher's Guidelines

The editor/editor is responsible for ensuring the quality and transparency of the editorial process, in addition to complying with all the parameters, obligations, rights and duties of the different members and participants of the journal, in its different categories. It is in charge of maintaining communication and relations among the members of the committees; as well as being updated on the standards, editorial processes and publication of scientific journals at national and international level. 

Standards of the editorial and scientific committee

It is responsible for guaranteeing the academic quality and impartiality in the editorial and evaluation process of the journal, where the pertinence of the articles is analyzed according to the fields of knowledge and the subject matter of the journal. It is also in charge of maintaining the periodicity of the publication in the established times. It is in charge of establishing and determining the editorial policies of the journal, as well as the dissemination, scope and objectives for the impact of the publication at a national and international level, through the search for strategies with academic networks. The committees are committed to maintain the anonymity of the affiliation and identity of the authors and evaluators. Furthermore, they will not reveal the content of the articles prior to publication.

Guidelines for authors

Authors must submit their articles according to the journal's publication guidelines. It is requested to sign and submit the copyrigth, where it is stated that the article is unpublished and has not been presented or published in another journal. The author must guarantee that all citations presented in the article have the respective academic credit. If plagiarism is identified in the article, it will be withdrawn from the editorial process, and a copy will be sent to the corresponding entity for the pertinent judicial process.

Rules for reviewers

All reviewers undertake to maintain absolute confidentiality regarding the information contained in the procedures and contents submitted by the journal. They must ensure the improvement of the scientific quality of the writing and the scientific field of each article, issuing their concept in a critical and detailed manner, within a respectful language. They should inform the editorial committee of possible plagiarism.
The reviewer must indicate his/her willingness to comply with the review process within the stipulated time and rigor indicated by the journal.
They must inform the journal if there is any conflict of interest in the process or if they do not feel qualified for review.

Open access policy

The journal Conexión Agropecuaria is under a license of: 

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Licencia de Creative Commons

It provides open access to its content offering the public free access to research by any means or process, supports the exchange of global knowledge, gives the right to copy, distribute, exhibit, disseminate works and make derivative works, as long as you acknowledge and cite it in the manner specified for the author and the journal. It is not used for commercial purposes, does not charge any fee for receipt of articles, evaluation or publication; if you remix, transform or create from the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same license as the original.


The journal Conexión Agropecuaria JDC adheres to the ethical provisions of the COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics) and the "Guide of good practices for journal editors", as well as the provisions of the Habeas Data-Statutory Law 1266 of 2008, for the handling of personal information in databases. The journal Conexión Agropecuaria JDC, in cases where required, may reject the proposal for publication of a manuscript when it detects any violation of the above provisions.