The understanding of the mathematical parable object through the semiotic representations


  • Luis Eduardo Sánchez Espinel Colegio La Presentación. (Tunja, Colombia)



Semiotic representations, Records, Treatment, Conversion and parable


Based on the theory of the semiotic representations of Duval (1999), partial results are presented on the use of semiotic representations in the understanding of the mathematical object parabola, for this teaching strategies were proposed for tenth grade students aimed at work in the registers graphic, verbal, algebraic, and its transformations, conversion and treatment; allowing them to study, recognize, interpret and internalize this object, in addition, the importance of the treatment and conversion in the understanding of the parabola mathematical object is highlighted.


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Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Sánchez Espinel, Colegio La Presentación. (Tunja, Colombia)

Licenciado en Matemáticas Colegio La Presentación. (Tunja, Colombia)



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How to Cite

Sánchez Espinel, L. E. (2018). The understanding of the mathematical parable object through the semiotic representations. Cultura científica, (16), 146–156.



Article of scientific and technological research