The soil is a non-renewable natural resource, it is considered as a three-dimensional body that presents physical, chemical and biological properties: within it they inhabit macro, mezzo and microorganism; additionally, plants are sustained and they take the minerals from it. The solid. Component of the soil contains a fraction of organic matter, which gives it appropriate conditions for the development plants and other inhabitants. The organic matter comes from vegetable residuals and from living or dead animals which cause different characteristic on the soil like the capacity of cationic exchange, CIC, electric conductivity CE, pH, color, temperature, density, permeability, texture, structures so on. The different agricultural or cattle activities deteriorate these conditions and, in consequence, diminish the productive capacity. For this reason, the addition of organic matter, through Fermented Organic Manure (fertilizers) FOM(F), becomes an alternative to improve the plants nutrition, the organisms feeding and the properties of the soil.
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