Ecology of a Solar Connection - Twenty years ago the strains arrived


  • Marco Quijano Rico Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


The Puntalarga the hill, is the first vineyard reasonably installed in cold weather of the tropical world, has demonstrated that most temperate bioclimatic indices are used under local conditions observing the behavior of several strains, including Riesing and black Pinot and characteristics of their grapes and wines, and indicates the region appears to be technically equivalent to the temperate zone with similar bioclimatic index values . The intensity and spectral correlation of solar radiation during the growth period, together with the amplitude of temperature change day / night make a difference. Meet regional wines and European features, southern and northern. It is estimated that the project did not come by chance, but is the experience of different pre-and post specific conditions Colombian territory and man, combined with the cult of the sun, to form a "terroir" of high identity


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Author Biography

Marco Quijano Rico, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Ph.D., Científico y viticultor Viñedo y Cava Loma de Punta Larga Nobsa.


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How to Cite

Quijano Rico, M. (2004). Ecology of a Solar Connection - Twenty years ago the strains arrived. Cultura científica, (2), 5–9. Retrieved from



Article of scientific and technological research