Progressing in the global age


  • Marco Quijano Rico Viñedo y cava loma de Puntalarga


Progress, Competitiveness, Knowledge, Innovation, Global


The global age is an unparalleled period of interdependence between all nations of the planet. It represents the summing up of the historical advancements of science and technology, in transportation, communication and informatics... In the global age we are confronted as a nation to one of the biggest and more pasionating challenges of our history: to attain a real and socially equitable level of development, in some way; to recover lost time, when we are just immersed in a sea of competition.... This competition withdraws its competitiveness from its ability to manage dynamical development factors, like information, research and technological development, side by side with innovation, that are most critical and dependent on university's forming capability. Consistently facing this challenge is unavoidable for progressing and for enjoying and not suffering from the unmatchable dynamics of the People's Republic of China.


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Author Biography

Marco Quijano Rico, Viñedo y cava loma de Puntalarga

Ph.D. Científico y Vitivinicultor. Duitama-Nobsa Sogamoso


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How to Cite

Quijano Rico, M. (2005). Progressing in the global age. Cultura científica, (3), 21–24. Retrieved from



Article of scientific and technological research