Model of financial structure for the SMEs(small and medium-sized enterprises) of the metal-mechanic sector of the Boyacá industrial corridor


  • Ricardo Burbano
  • Dilia Castillo Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos
  • Carlos Chaves Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia


Micro, Small and medium enterprises Pymes - financing, Cost pondered average of capital, Financial modelf


This investigation is an approach to the operation and the current state of the micro, small and medium enterprises Pymes- of the metal mechanic sector in the industrial corridor of Boyacá. This study design the model of the financial structure and describe the economic situation of this kind of enterprises for the knowledge of its reality, articulate the basic elements of the financial structure appropriate to the model, bearing in mind the most important financing variables: wealth net profit, bank interest, third parties interest, suppliers interest and development credits interest. Additionally, the validation of the model is shown starting from the construction of different scenarios: pessimist, optimistic and more probable, estimating the current financial market rates to calculate the cost pondered average of capital. This model is very useful for this sector's businessman because its application would allow to increase the productivity of its companies as a competitiveness viable strategy in view of the markets liberation phenomenon present at the moment in Colombia and the world.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Burbano

Magíster en Administración con énfasis en Finanzas UNAB-ITESM, Ingeniero Industrial, Asesor de Empresas,

Dilia Castillo, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Magíster en Administración con énfasis en Finanzas de la UNAB-ITESM, Especialista en Revisoría Fiscal de Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Contador Público de la U.P.T.C. Sogamoso, Directora Unidad Financiera de la Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.

Carlos Chaves, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Magíster en Administración con énfasis en Finanzas UNAB-ITESM, Especialista en Mercados y Administrador de Empresas de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Tunja, Docente de la misma Universidad.


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How to Cite

Burbano, R., Castillo, D., & Chaves, C. (2006). Model of financial structure for the SMEs(small and medium-sized enterprises) of the metal-mechanic sector of the Boyacá industrial corridor. Cultura científica, (4), 56–60. Retrieved from



Article of scientific and technological research