Role of cultivated plants in the globalization processes of the traditional agricultural cultures of the Valle de Iraca in Boyacá


  • Fabio Aldemar Gómez Sierra Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


Cultivated plants, Traditional agriculture, Globalization, Rural transformation, Space rediscovery


Several elements of cultural life, have been involved in the domestication of plants, for example climatic conditions, human nutrition, elaboration of remedies, ritual, ceremonial and magic events, aesthetic exigencies, population increase and economic factors of market and commerce. The mentioned elements have resulted en a basic human activity: agriculture. Agriculture implies simultaneouslythe occurrence of religious, artisanal, political and organizational expressions. In the highland's plateaud, called Valle del Sol or Iraca Valley, these elements are found and they should be analised down to their most complex interrelation. Cultivated plants have induced, since very long time, cultural intercrossing phenomena together with colonization, of food, health care and ritual proceses. In this way cultivated plants have been at the origin of a globalization process with have influenced the root taking of localities, the rediscovery of spaces and the production of heterogeneities. A peasant's community of Valle del Sol is provided today with transportation, portable pone, tv, and radio facilities and increasing educational coveranges. Moreover, changenents are taking place in religious aspects, tourism development, NGO activities. All factors thant literally revolutionize the traditional approaches for understanding the concepts of peaant, country side and agriculture. This nick of time can be taked as an indicator of the poor understanding of today's rural societes under an ever increasing transformation pressure.


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Author Biography

Fabio Aldemar Gómez Sierra, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Doctorando en antropología, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, París. Máster en antropología Universidad de los Andes Bogotá; Máster en educación, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - UPN - Bogotá; Especialista en Teología, Universidad Teresiana de Roma, Sacerdote, Ciudad del Vaticano. Director del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas - Inicien, fundador, director y editor de Cultura Científica, revista de investigaciones de la Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos.


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How to Cite

Gómez Sierra, F. A. (2018). Role of cultivated plants in the globalization processes of the traditional agricultural cultures of the Valle de Iraca in Boyacá. Cultura científica, (4), 42–47. Retrieved from



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