Tropical viticulture at high altitude Conditions and expressions of the terroir


  • Marco Quijano Rico Viñedo & Cava Loma de Punta Larga


radiation, temperature change extent, short days, grape ripening


During 1982 started our wine growing project at the Puntalarga Hill, between 2500 and 2600 meters a.s.l.: 5.78 ºN, 72.98 ºW, on the East Andes mountains chain. Pinot noir, white Riesling and Riesling x Silvaner crossings are the most planted grapevines. Since 1984 research and development activities are carried out on pertinent subjects. Low latitude, high altitude, relatively low rainfall, frequent atmospheric transparency, determines intensity and spectral composition of incident solar radiation as well as temperature's day/night change extent and low night values that are the tropical highland's climate features of the region. Vine behavior and grape and wine characteristics indicate that, local climatic conditions could be considered thermally equivalent to those of selected, well known temperate wine growing regions. Coexistence over the year of all grapevine developmental stages and the production of vintages with good sugar content and acidity levels, suitable for the production of wine remarkable in aroma and color intensity, are possible under those conditions. At the territories of the project, the climatic conditions over the year are equivalent to those of autumnal wine grape ripening time in a temperate climate. At the same time solar radiation flow is relatively constant and UV-B rich. Both factors result in special features of local grapes, which could be considered as being terroir expressions.


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Author Biography

Marco Quijano Rico, Viñedo & Cava Loma de Punta Larga

Científico y viticultor, Viñedo & Cava Loma de Punta Larga Nobsa, Boyacá


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How to Cite

Quijano Rico, M. (2009). Tropical viticulture at high altitude Conditions and expressions of the terroir. Cultura científica, (7), 61–68. Retrieved from



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