Approach to olive growing in Boyacá


  • josé Francisco García Molano Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


phenology, physiology, climate, varieties, nutrition.


The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is an ancient grain high interest in the world of nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of oil obtained from the fruit. It has spread throughout the world from Syria to the Mediterranean and was brought to America by Spanish missionaries in 1500. Currently grown in different environments has been shown to adapt and produce. In Colombia was sown in the region of Alto Ricaurte, where under conditions of cold weather tropical (average minimum annual temperatures of 71 º C and maximum of 261 º C, precipitation 980 mm, humidity relativa76% sunshine 1614 hours and photoperiod almost constant) has shown good vegetative growth, probably favored by the optimal temperatures for photosynthesis, which coincide with those required by the tree, but flowering periods are scattered throughout the year that hinder the seasonal harvest. On the other hand it appears that the greatest amount of ultraviolet radiation received by the greater height above sea level requires an almost vertical position of the leaves of the trees over the beam exposing the underside, an adaptive mechanism to protect themselves by trichomes as much solar radiation they receive.


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Author Biography

josé Francisco García Molano, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos

Ph.D. (c) en Biología Vegetal Universidad de Parma Italia Esp. en Gerencia Agraria, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos Ing. Agrónomo Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Docente, Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos


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How to Cite

García Molano, josé F. (2010). Approach to olive growing in Boyacá. Cultura científica, (8), 8–14. Retrieved from



Review article