Issues about utopia/dystopia problematic in the stated purposes for education in Colombia


  • Luis Felipe Pérez Calderón Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc


Education purposes, utopia, dystopia, complexity of the thought.


This Article brings a reflection that takes into consideration the debate about the essential role of education in society, and its needed task of building the near future from a set of guidelines whose purpose is serving as guiding principles in the training processes through a model of society, establishing: State and subject. The document focuses on the stated purposes for education in Colombia and the utopian sense they acquire. The utopia is exposed as a positive and dynamic element, transformer of reality. However, the isolation of its primary sense leads to the dystopia, caused by the detachment of the planed issues and the reality. Likewise, the need of understanding the emerging interactions in three essential agents in order to take into consideration the rising challenges to education, such as: the State, the society and the subject which are explored in the complexity of the thought.


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Author Biography

Luis Felipe Pérez Calderón, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc

Mg. en Filosofía, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - Uptc


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How to Cite

Pérez Calderón, L. F. (2017). Issues about utopia/dystopia problematic in the stated purposes for education in Colombia. Cultura científica, (15), 22–31. Retrieved from



Reflection article